Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First post, Migration

July 04
7 year ramble
Whoa... the sun is setting again in

Alaska, and tonight its bright red

going behind the hills I can see out

my window to the north. Ahh..

sosltice is past, and we face another

winter in darkness. But not before

summer is truely gone, and fall has

made its short, but sweet appearance.

This is the story of July in Alaska.

The sun is slowly going down, and I

look forward to an annual anny. Not

doing much for one important reason,

it would be cruel and inhumane to

leave Charcoal in this heat we're

having right now, indoors with not

much coming in, in the way of a

breeze, but we might wander down

where I know I can sneak him in for a

quick minute and grab an ice rage and

a cookie. I was going to go to a

service of worship which would have

taken me too far away to come home

easily, but I know God understands

responsibility to critters. One

quarter left to go... sun going to

sleep for a couple hours. I tend to

greive this time of year knowing that

soon... well yeah.. but not yet..

I have been snappy lately, and I have

to apologize for indirectly sniping

at people, I truly do understand it

takes what it takes. A few years

ago... I was seven months into a quit

when by choice, I lost my quit and 17

years of sobriety, just like that,

puff... gone. So when I reached 7

months in this quit, i got squirrly,

and people kept writing telling me I

didn't have to fall again at 7

months, and I made it through,

thought that jinx idea was behind me,

but coming up on this anny, I've had

smoking dreams, using dreams, and

general jumpyness. Never felt the

need to pick up, but in the

background, and effecting how I tried

to relate to people. I am glad to be

passing it.

That said, wow 7 years smokefree, at

least to me is mind blowing, I never

said I'd make it one month, let alone

seven years. Nicless used to tell me

about the small milestones that help

make the quit keep going, wise words,

and its truth, its easier now to kind

of sail, but early on, a few days

here, a few days there and celebrate

your accomplishments.

For those of you out there struggling

with quitdates and failing, I did not

have a quitdate, I tried for a year

to make and keep quitdates, only to

smoke within days, hours after

quitting, I'd tear that patch off and

smoke, that simple, nothing caused

it... I just couldn't do it. I got

tired of failing, and so I stopped

making quit dates, and I stopped

failing. I knew about two days ahead,

and only through a foggy haze, (had

been up two days downloading music)

that I was going to quit on the

4th...why? I got stupid for a while,

here's God at work, I thought

everything was closed the 4th, and as

tired as I was if I had no money, I

wasn't going to hunt down an atm and

then find a liquor store to buy

smokes... so I knew at least I

wouldn't smoke that day... But before

I put on the patch, I smoked every

cig I had in my possession, and then

I went and tried to smoke all of my

neighbors, I had no intention of

quitting until there was no more.

When that happened, 2 1/2 days up, I

put on the patch, and at 7pm, went to

bed. I haven't smoked since. The main

thing was the next day, I knew I

needed help if I were to have a

chance and I came to the Q. Kicking,

screaming, cussing at most people,

angry and paranoid, suffered from

CSR, still do..yeah quitting does

strange things to people. But I

decided I was going to ride this one

out, and I moved out of the drivers

seat, God took over. I tried to edge

God out, but part of me hung on.

Me and Moon hooked up at 16 days and

we've been buddies since. Was so

hard, we went from anny to anny, just

hold on a little longer, made it to

the den to go to bed a winner each

night, but it was hard, it hurt so

much. She kept hold of me and I

couldn't smoke, because if I did, she

might fall, and I couldn't be

responsible for that. So I didn't

smoke, she didn't smoke, we stayed

smober together, somehow, God willing

and God given... grace.

At some point all that pain that I

asocciated with having to smoke over,

seperated from having to be smoked

over.. oh its still there, I mean

life is still there, the pains, the

great joys, the ability to live smoke

free, sober, not thinking constantly

about either smobriety, or smoking,

but just living. I call it living my

quit, but I realize now that from day

one, I have lived my quit, and owned

my quit, hugged it, made it who I am,

now I am what it is, quit, free.

I have no new wisdom, oh thats kind

of bold.. ok... no new ideas to pass

on here, my story has not changed.

You have to do what works for you, if

you can't do the quitdate system,

don't, and don't let people make you

feel like a loser cuz its not working

for you, or try and railroad you into

something that doesn't work for you.

Look, I quit without a quitdate,

stayed on the patch ten days and

stopped, changed my name at last

three times, did a lot the things I

probably should not have done, and

still here, smoke free a few hours

short of 7 years. Do what works for

you, you will quit when you get sick

and tired of being sick and tired,

and your only option is to

surrender... then you will quit... my

only advise here... don't wait till

you've hit a physical bottom.. I

don't have COPD... but have a hard

time breathing in winter, cuz i

smoked too long.

Moonchaser, I have never been more

proud of you, you have beat more odds

then many people ever face in a

lifetime, even after the hard part of

qutting is over, your ability to live

life in stride, in joy and sadness

and all inbetween, if I could achieve

such serenity, even when there is

none... I am honored to have walked

this far with you... lets keep going,

one step, one day at a time.

To everyone here, Thank Q! Moon,

Frank, Jeri, Lisa, the collective

wisdom of this place, My higher power

who I know is Jesus today. I found a

verse in the bible, actually its in

the old testement, but the term Baal

Perazim.. it means the God who breaks

through... I read that and went

yeah.. that's what happened. Knocked

my on my rear, literally.

Find a quitbud within a few days of

your quitdate, don't just become quit

buds, become quit

friends, place your trust there and

make the commitment to do everything

within your power to help each other

stay quit.... you are responsible, at

least to an extent, for each others

quit, honor that, live that, honor

each other, become insepertable!

It takes a while, but I promse when

it gets good, it gets fantastic! Hold

out till you get there, a day at a

time, nothing more, and when you do

shout it so others know its true. Be

good to yourselves, be good to each

other... we're all a work in

progress, God's not finished with us

yet.. we were meant to win, and we


This is soooooooooo long! Sorry!

God bless.. Have a great day, Happy

and safe Independence Day!

Thank you Moon and Neel for the

wonderful posts. Love you guys.
This is early cuz the moment to write

struck, so there it is lol.


Quit 7 yrs at 7pm 7/4/09 /sober 9

.....I'm jumpin'!

11:58 AM | Add a comment | Read

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Health and wellness
October 08
75 month ramble
75 month ramble
From CouragetoChange on 10/6/2008

5:53:49 PM
Its good to be here in this place.

Particularity a forum in the Q that I

get to focus on smoking as a part of

my overall disease and that it can be

conquered with the same principles.

Nope I don't do the conquering, God

does that part, and he does it

through you, and he has in my quit

done it through Bill and Bob, and

many of the people who contributed to

the big book, as well as everyone

here at the Quitnet.

I clearly remember my early days,

mainly because I was so pissed off

its hard to forget. I laugh now at my

silly behavior and work to never

become that angry again at anyone or

anything. Anger is a great motivator,

but it is SO painful! I'd suggest

trying acceptance of what is and

doing your best to do the next right

thing, if you're in early quit, its

just not smoking now.

Moonchaser wrote to me one day, I had

seen her in chat and already I didn't

like her because she had a better

name then me. At the time my name was

caisy. But I had already signed up at

a couple of groups outside the Q

where there wasn't a lot of activity

going on at that time, perfect place

to find a reason to relapse, I had

already slipped, my recovery from

smoking had lost its priority and I

wasn't using any of the principles

I'd learned in recovery from our 12

step programs, no tolerance, zero

acceptance of anything and of course

not a drop of humility, slip to

relapse was right around the corner

when I got her qmail. Ha had I known

I was talking to a long time Al anon

I might not have wrote back. She was

the quit bud I needed most. She wrote

one day in response to something I

said, saying look, I don't know if

I'll be here in two days. I decided

she would be, which meant I had to

be. So the real journey began. It was

not easy, but I had great company.

We're two days apart in time, which

couldn't be better. And I have to say

that the company has gone from 2, to

so many to include all who are

recovering here from not only

nicotine, but the whole of this


At some point we go from becoming ex

smokers, to being ex smokers, then to

becoming non smokers to being non

smokers, and eventually it doesn't

really matter, because we just aren't

smokers at all. It slips right out of

our lives if we hang in there and

strive to live different, better and

help others. I Know I've been lacking

in that area somewhat. Frank is one

of my consciousnesses here, has

reminded me to show up a bit more, so

at 75 months and two days or so, my

YET is still out there, and I'd

rather meet in in the middle of the


Just don't quit keeping the quit! You

know, one day at a time, less if you

need. NOPE was a little long for me

so I changed to to NOPT which isn't

as cute but an acceptable time frame

for me, at some point it really does

become NOPE, as long as we remember

to stay in today. I entered Other

Addictions forum broken and tired,

had not been to a meeting in five

years, came in after having lost a

quit and sobriety and done nothing

about it, and Other addictions and

Moon (OA made it easier I think)

helped me get back to meetings,

program, and living program, learning

how to again. So I know that if I

could be quit for 75 months, odaat,

you can be quit today and let those

days add up, and you have a lot of

people wanting to take your hand and

walk with you. Trust me, its what

keeps us quit as well as connecting

with a new person.. We're in a great


Have a great day.
Thank God and you for my recovery.


75 months, 2 days + some hours quit
12:31 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
July 21
Some thoughts
Some thoughts
From CouragetoChange on 7/20/2007

3:44:14 PM
Why is it that some people have to

have a plan to quit smoking?
And why is it that some people don't?
Is it because some people are

oriented towards order and some more

used to chaos and crisis? Dunno, its

hard to say because I've done two

good quits, the first one I made it

two seven months and lost not only my

quit but my sobriety as well. This

quit I was well into a dry high/drunk

when I decided to quit. Having kept

quit date after quit date only to

cave at the first sign of discomfort,

I was tired, I didn't want to quit


The idea of total surrender, I don't

know, honestly for me its moment to

moment, serenity usually comes in

segments of maybe hours at a time God

willing, but I'm still practicing

surrender, complete that is. But in

the final days, the ongoing self

inflicted argument going on in my

head about whether to quit or not to

quit, the desire to go through

treatment for hep c, and those

nagging chest pains that leave you

thinking well this is it, and total

lack of any spiritual life and hunger

for, kind of pushed me into a corner

and finally the thought of, well

maybe this one will be


Then realizing maybe it won't


But how do you know......

Well I don't.........

And finally losing the argument and

deciding to go along for the ride.

Was not in the least spiritual as I

know it today, but it was the most

spiritual thing I could do at the

moment. It worked and I'm here 5

years later.

So why write this? Cuz I want people

to know that no matter how you quit,

you can always keep the quit. Working

the steps, applying the principles

always helps, but if you're not

working them at the moment thats ok

too, as long as you give GOD a

fighting chance and stay out of the

way of his work, he'll let you know

when he needs your help.

Remember recovery is as much an

option as smoking, choose well!

I feel very grateful to be here and

smober and back in meetings as a

result of the pain I found myself in

as a result of quitting! The benefits

have no end.

Hang in there.

1841 days quit
7 yrs dry
1841 days active recovery

8:29 AM | Add a comment | Permalink |

Blog it | Health and wellness
July 07
My 5 Year ramble
I had tried to think what I wanted to

say to everyone or my 5 year

anniversary. Moonchaser did such a

great job of the history, the

challanges and changes and finally to

this day success. She made the first

and most important difference.

Because at 16 days we're spinning,

you know its a new thing and all of a

sudden we're supposed to learn to

feel without smoking. And thats hard

because most us would smoke rather

then deal head on with the hard

stuff, me included. And thats why I

was so angry for so long.
Its hard to start a new recovery

while on a dry bender from an old

recovery that you're trying to

discard rather then swallow the pride

and shame and just go back and admit

to a relapse, start again, but nope

pride was too big to swallow, and you

know I never had any pride to swallow

so why start now.

Those were the conditions of my early

quit, and when I began to feel,

everything broke loose. The first

emotion was being majorly pissed off.

Had not been to a meeting in years,

had sat and smoked for five years and

hung out and lived in denial.
I had no idea Moon was an al anon, if

I had I would probably have avoided

her from the beginning, but she found

me when I was feeling pinned and

angry and tired of yelling at people

via qmail. Sometimes I think I felt

that sense of sernity that neither of

us at the time had, but that in

program we strive for, something

about her asking me what was wrong,

so I wrote back, kind of yelled at

her, trying to point out that its not

any of your business lol. I got a

reply of compassion, understanding

and acceptence, when I couldn't even

do that for myself or anyone else.

But she did for me.

She also insisted on living HER life,

because she had her own problems,

somehow, it made me step back to hear

her pain, she gave me back my

humanity, she showed me things I had

never seen, pain I don't ever want to

feel, and courage to go through it

and not smoke, not hate, not carry

resentments for five months. I

learned so much, we're two days

apart, but she was not running from

the one program that had saved her

life cuz her character defects were a

little gone awry, I was and had to

stop. I did eventually.
My friend Frank kicked my butt back

into meetings where I felt really

stupid for a moment there to find out

other people relapsed and were always

welcomed back. I knew that but you

know when you're unique the rules

don't apply lol. I am forever

grateful for someone who is willing

to demand the truth.

Theres been so many people in my quit

have made a huge difference, and

collectively its everyone. This,

whether you're working a 12 step

program or making your way through

the quit any other way, its still a

WE program.
There is no reason for anyone to lose

a quit while using the Quitnet, all

the support is here, everything

anyone needs to stay quit if you

really want it. I am fortuntate that

I was already 1 day quit when I

showed up. I knew if I was gonna keep

it going I needed help so ignored

what I believed were webugs at the

time, maybe there are, i no longer

care, and signed up.
Moonchaser stresses quitbuds, close

quitbuds. And I say something along

the lines that if the person is more

then a month behind you, your 12

stepping them, if they're more then a

month a head of you, they're 12

stepping you, and thats awesome and

necessary, all of us are necessary.

But find someone right where you are,

no one is going to understand how you

feel more. Commit to that person, to

their quit as well as your own and do

everything in your power to help them

keep their quit, whatever happens, in

the process we keep our own through

helping the other.

Moon and I, one of us could have gone

out, but we were so concerned about

devestating the other that we stayed,

painfully so for a long time. Today,

life hurts, life smiles, life does

what life does, but smoking is hardly

even a thought. It was worth the

hardships, and we have proven the

hardships can be lived through, and

we have proven after so many who have

come before us, that they pass.
I am grateful for my quit, my

sobriety, HP, the Qmmunity, the

online nica meetings I get to once in

a while. I stay at the Q cuz its my

fuel stop for a smoke free day, your

support and love and esh are the

stuff a smoke free day begins with.

Hang on to each other, stay in this

day, fear and worry hang out in

yesterday and tomorrow, but in this

moment, all you gotta do is not smoke

and hang onto your buddy.

Have a great day,
Thanks for my smobriety,
and my sobriety too.

5 Years/16 hours quit.

8:08 PM | Add a comment | Permalink |

Blog it | Health and wellness
A poem from my friend
From Recoverykat on 7/4/2007 9:07:13

Of forever summer
On winters long
long nights,
We talked
even held
at the Q.

She listened
to my pain
I listened to her

We held
cried and yelled
even at the

and over time
I watched
her grow
find love again

I witnessed
her service
too countless wayfarers
on this path

Some make it
many many don't

Yet she is steady
a firm
Rock in this sea of sand.

8:03 PM | Add a comment | Permalink |

Blog it
July 05
5 Years.... A tribute from a precious

friend, a gift
My past is my past and all though it

might be
confusing, it is below and going from

early to
later, then the top is today. I am

not who I
was any more at least usually lol. So

today is
July 4th 2007. My anny gift of many

from my
quitbud Moonchaser, who without her I

not be here today and quit.
From Moonchaser on 7/4/2007 3:35:36


Once upon a time, while on the verge

of losing
my mind at the beginning of yet

another quit, I
stumbled onto a creature who called

Caisy back then. She was meaner than

a junk
yard dog. Alienating men and women

alike in
Chat, creating more enemies on an

hourly basis
than I'd ever seen before. She was

(I'm an Alanon, what can I say??) And

she sort of scared me, something made

step up and speak to her. She didn't

like that
much, but for some reason she spoke

back and
pretty soon we had a dialog going. No

about it, this person and I seemed to

be from
different worlds. But, when we began

some of the hurts that were laid bare

the throes of a quit, we were more

alike than
we'd ever have known at first glance.

Both of
us had been deeply hurt and were

doing the
best we could to just keep poking

along and
keeping our heads above water.
We became Quit Buddies. Holding on to

other so tight with her in Alaska and

me in
California. Q-mail spanned that gap

nicely every day. Thanks to Carla, we
celebrated every anny, big and small.

we were building a stable quit with

no puffs,
no slips, no relapses allowed. Though

of us thought we'd make it very far,

soon there we were at six months, a

year, and
good grief we just kept right on not

and racking up more time not smoked

becoming the closest of friends.

LaVerne and
Shirely, Thelma and Louise, Beanie

and Cecil
would all have been envious.
We weren't considered a good bet in

early days. In fact no sane person

would have
bet on us making it. We were kind of

ghetto people, outcasts that no one

wanted to
be caught talking to. We had been

failures, quit
our quits too many times. Then slowly

surely I see people writing nice

things about
Caisy/Lucy/Couragetochange!! Seemed

been helping a lot of people climb

out of that
nasty old place we all come from when

we first
quit. She was becoming downright
respectable!!! So many tell of how

she's gone
out of her way to help others, she

has become
a legend here on the Q. And she

deserves every
single good thing said about her.
Carla, I'm so glad I scratched that

veneer you were wearing when we first

risking life and limb to do it. :-) I

someone so kind and good I'm certain

sent you to help me quit smoking in

time to
retain some of my sanity. You are

more of an
example than many people here even

toting so much of your own baggage

doing what you do for the rest of us.
So.... it's time to celebrate big

Chocolate doesn't seem like quite

although for me it would have to be

We both bought new computers last

year, it
would be hard to top that! LOL!

Whatever you
do to celebrate, keep in mind that

you are so
loved here on the Q and you know I

couldn't be
prouder of you! Congratulations!
Love You Lots!
5 yrs. 2 days
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From CouragetoChange on 7/4/2007

I was just coming in to qmail you to

ask if I
could break your anonymity......
I guess since you did I can......
I think maybe I should sneak back out

pretend I wasn't here......
I don't know what to say!....
Little red faced.........
Never felt so honored.......
We are a great team, Neither of us

would have
knowingly picked the other had we

been given
a choice of quit buds, but then what

did we
know anyway? You understood where I

from, I knew that when I got your

first qmail,
dunno how, I just did, not that I

knew I did so
it was a risk to write back and open

up a
little..... but then it turned otu

you were an al
anon, what a relief, finally some

body! Now
your my bestest of all the best

quitbuds in the
whole world everywhere and a

friend I hope one day to meet and do

an anny
in person..... we can do it on the

third, thats
between 2 and 4 right? God bless you
Thank you so much for this

tribute/anny post
kind of thing.
Ok now I wanna go cry ok? They're

tears, feeling very blessed. Love you


I wanted to copy and past all the

and I still might but wanted to

remember this,
it is so much more then I ever

thought I
deserved, I am so grateful for such a

friend and
can not say how important finding

such a
person in quit is to success. Love

12:37 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
Profile Stuff

I made a change around here, anther

change! lol, not my screen name

exactly, but
my first name. When I came to the Q,

I wasn`t
used to going to sites where people

each others. So used lucy which is

part of the
name my birth parents gave me. But

Carla is
the name my adopted parents gave me,

the name I want to use, (now that I

know its
pretty safe lol)
I kept lucy because a person who said

he was
my friend got upset when I wanted to

it. I didn`t realize until later that

it was an
attempt to control anther person. But

today I
understand it and refuse to play.

Went to a
coda meeting last night and I can

relate to all
of it. Anyway this was supposed to be

and sweet lol.
Yeah the name, my name is Carla and I

am an
alcoholic and suffer from the disease

addiction inlcuding nicotine, and co

spending and eating. Today I am free

nicotine and drugs and drinking.
You can be too. Don`t ever give up

anyone can stop smoking and its the

best thing
you can do for yourself.


my blog

This profile is way too long, so I`ve

it on my blogger.
I hate profiles, and right now isn`t

a great time
to fill one out..
Lucy for now was only a temporary

name, I got
to the door and my brain went on

vacation so I
said well shit... anyway this is the

name I`d
like to use, God grant me te serenity

to accept
the things I can not change, the

courage to
change the things I can, and the

wisdom to
know the difference.
Anyway.. just me, Lucy

ok so whats all the anger about? It

seems silly,
and probably in the end it will be

accepted as
what it really is, feeling hurt, the

indignation is fun but not healthy.
A friend here in town is going

through some
personal stuff in his life, me being

program person tries to lend support,

now I feel that my relationship to

this person,
supposedly a friend is becoming

makes me angry. Thats what it boils

down to.
Be glad when it passes, meantime its

not going
to take my sun away, we hardly get

sunlight in
alaska, so I`ll take what there is,

and my quit
is my quit, I keep that too. thanks

to quitnet,
espeically the oa forum, some very

special ppl
in that little section of qn.
12:35 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
Stuff more 6 Months
Lucy4now profile... Just moving it

over :-)

except for whats here, at least for

now, there is
no profile, I erased it until I can

in good
conscious put it back.
There is nothing wrong with it, but I

am going
through changes, and likely not to be

the best
example of the 12 step programs I

belong to.
for that reason, I delete most of my

Do I really have to qualify myself as

a damn
smoker? I mean thats the most

rediculas thing
I`ve every thought of, but then not

everyone is
a smoker, thats good but that wasnt

me most
of the time, and its still not me cuz

those ppl
are `normies` Maybe they arent, but

they arent
what I am either.
we got a few of those frikkin
nevermind thats just another rant and

gonna save it for a better moment.
I smoked, drank and used, since I was

11 years
old, I got sober in 84, got sober and

had a
good program going, (I got sober

before I quit
smoking )and was raped and died, that

died. I havent yet healed, getting

chemicles out of my system have left

alot of
raw spots, open wounds that once were
covered, and things that werent

covered when
I did my steps before, cuz I could

avoid them.
for the first time there is light at

the end of the
My friends you know who you are, you

watched me ride this damn quit and
sometimes, many times you`ve held

onto me
when I was going to fall. Sometimes I

did fall,
one of you if not more were always

there to
catch me. I love you guys so much.

I`m still
sane and quit, because you were there

for me.
You still are, maybe thats the best

part, cuz
anyone who can do what you do, be

what you
are, you are all couragous, more so

then most
ppl, and I`m proud and privilaged to

call you

I dont do the mi... l I have to be

for my actions if I want to stay

sober and that
is a rant that I will have to make

amends for...
but nothing in the bigbook requires I

be ppl
pleas.. never mind.. well it was a

good rant
too :(

ok life goes on
trust god and do whats in front of


When the future becomes the present

it is not
yet the past until you decide to let

it go. At
that point in time is when we shine.

`point in time` is happening millions

of times a
day with everyone of them being an
to my friend who sent this, thanks :)
the eskimo story
there are these two guys drinking in

a bar in
an athiest and the others a religous

they start talking about god and the

says I gave your god a chance to

prove himself
and he didnt do it.
religious man says in what manner
the atheist says well I was lost

about 6 miles
here and I was caught in a blizzard

and I was
stuck in the snow
and there was no way out
and the religious man says well you

you`re here
the athiest says no some eskimo came

showed be the
way back to town.

technically 7pm but Ill make it
6 month ramble

Hi Everyone, my name is Carla and I

am an
alcoholic, a drug addict, and a

nicotine addict.
at present I am a practicing non user

of any
such substances.
when I stopped smoking, I stopped

going to
meetings fearing I would give into

again, thus I stopped working my

program, at
least very well.
I used to be here under a different

My quit for the most part of 4 months

incredibly easy for the most part,

alot of good
ppl around me, and I was moving

along, except
I was going nowhere at all, just

running in
circles smiling enough to keep most

at arms length. I didnt know I hurt,

I only
knew I didn`t want you to see whats

inside of
by five months I was totally insane

no longer
being able to stuff what hurt inside.

I had to
look at it. I believed that you could

see it too
and I felt so much shame and guilt

for not
being good enough, for how I had

lived, for
being beaten as a child, for being

attacked as
an adult. I only knew I would keep

out, and for that I was beginning to

myself. and I knew if it continued I

smoke. so I left here. I believe now

it was
meant to be......
to stay in contact with others in

recovery, I
signed up with a 12 step step study

group at
yahoo, and promptly began recieving

tobacco political stuff in my inbox.

I got pissed
off and sent them in a copy of the 12
traditions, making note in paticular

ten, and requested a group concious,

to say they quit talking to me,

so again here I am, and grateful to

be here.
this is a great place to be if your

smoking, what was wrong was in me,

not here.
people places and things. If you are

using the q
to learn to be a practicing non

smoker, or any
other kind of non smoker, stick

around, get all
the other information you can get

because its
invaluable, but keep coming back and

......I hit a bottom. I didnt

conciously do my
first step, I just did it, but just

to make sure
I`ve written again about it, because

something major happens I start my

again, because my life changes at

that point.
Sanity returned, and I really smiled

deeply, the
committie for one small moment shut

up, and I
had a vision of a woman standing on a

track and a train coming, and it

occured to me
that if she just moved out of the

way, the train
wouldnt hit her. I got off the

railway track. I
still feel inferior to you, but I

have to let it go
every day, at that point, it becomes

non of my
the second step, by the grace of god

and with
no help from me happened again.
this isnt where i stop, just where i

stop writing
about it.
I am grateful I stuck it through long

for the miracle, this is just one of

many to
come. Please dont give in to your

cravings and
desires to smoke.
hang in for the miracles, they do

happen. Six
months smober, if i peek at the

future, I see
positive things happening, and I look

one day at a time, to getting there,

growing along the way. I wish the

same for all
of you, and a very happy 2003.
July Freedom Fighters
Bluesdogtwo (sp)
12 step club and oa forum
Sending big

((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) too all
(((((((((((Moonchaser ))))))))
(((((((((((((( andy2))))))))))
Moonchaser and AlphaBL1 and andy2

there early on and with out knowing

other that I know of, held the net

that I fell
into, I think now we take turns

holding the net
for each other lol.
My friends you know who you are, you

watched me ride this damn quit and
sometimes, many times you`ve held

onto me
when I was going to fall. Sometimes I

did fall,
one of you if not more were always

there to
catch me. I love you guys so much.

I`m still
sane and quit, because you were there

for me.
You still are, maybe thats the best

part, cuz
anyone who can do what you do, be

what you
are, you are all couragous, more so

then most
ppl, and I`m proud and privilaged to

call you
my new friends, I cant tell you how

grateful I
am for you, only that I am.
in trying to give something back to

the q, some
uncomfortable feelings occured,

anger, took place that I`m not proud

of. I
came in here with 12 step principles

and forgot
the rest of the world didnt use them,

became frustrated. I dont do a good

job of
giving back here, maybe one day I

but to those of you I alienated, and

or hurt, in
paticular nicless,
but also any others, my apologies

are given
here, I hope you will accept it, but

that part is
up to you..... I let it go.

..........I have work to
I do not apologize for bad spelling

pucntiuation and typos. I do

apologize for this
being so damn long (sorry)
this is only my story, probably makes

no sense
at all, still, I pray that you guys

won`t go
through anything like this, that you

will go on
to become happy substancefree ppl,

that the
worst thing any of you will have to

face is
whats for dinner. in which case the

right frozen
dinner will appear and you will have

a working
microwave in which to cook it.

Reality sucks
when your in pain, LIVE through it,

it passes
and when the sun comes out, its

better and
brighter then you`ve seen it in a

very long time
and so worth the the effort you will

have to
put in. dont look back. Live for

today, its all
you have, its your choice to live as

a slave or
free, choose free. after a while it

habit :-)
6 months
july 4, 2002 babies
and me
Its my sincere wish, that anyone

living a day of
celebrate it, reward yourself in some

small or
not so small, way of
how well you`re doing, and use it to

mark yet
another day.
my favorite thing is pizza, yours

something else, go for it.
thank you for being part of my

God Bless You.
sending hugs,
Today`s thought is:
Should you shield the valleys from

windstorms, you would never
see the beauty of their canyons.
-- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

yet another eskimo story
because if I dont remember that god

through ppl I`m gonna be in lots of

and because I love these stories.
Guy`s in his house when horrendous

come up, the water starts rising, and

you know it, we`re talking major

flood. Roads
are covered. Nothing`s moving.
Pretty soon, a boat comes along. Guy

in the
boat yells, `Come on - we`re hereto

save you.
Get in the boat.`
Guy says, `No...I`ve got faith that

God will
save me.` The boat leaves. The water

rising. The guy is forced up the

second floor of
his house by the flood waters.
Another boat comes along. The guy in

the boat
yells, `Come on! It`s getting worse.

If you
don`t get in the boat, you`re going

to drown.`
The guy says, `No...I`ll be ok. I`ve

got faith in
God that he`ll save me.` The boat

Water`s rising. The guy`s on the

roof. A
helocopter hovers overhead and the

shouts through the loudhailer, `This

is your
last chance. Climb up the ladder. If

you don`t
come now you`re going to drown.`
The guy says no,thanks. `God will

save me.`
The pilot shrugs his shoulders and

The water rises. The guy drowns.

Ascends to
the pearly gates. He asks St.Peter,

happened? I`ve been devoted to God

and had
absolute faith that he would save me.

Why did
he let me down?
And St. Peter tells him, `What the

hell do you

God *sent* ya two boats and a


course one of my biggest overlooks is

the fact
that the ppl I cant stand the most

are also
eskimos put in my path to remind me

that from
time to time, and thats most of the

time, I`m
still holding on to old stuff.
God I cant stand those ppl, they make

me so
damn pissed off.. but in quiet

moments of
reflection I realize these things.

of course
nothing can screw up my serentity

faster lol..
Damn it I have far to go.
thank god for the eskimos I find

really like.
I like to look at recovery as a

whole, not as in
parts, I understand the singleness of

in recovery, but singleness of

purpose does not
fix me when it comes to personal

because I am cross addicted zigzagged

the board and all over the damn

place.. so in
my own recovery.. I must allow

recovery for
the whole person.
thats why I dont only speak of

smoking in this
joint, smoking isnt my problem unless

smoke.. I AM MY PROBLEM, smoking is

only a
manifastation (sp?) of my problem,

just like
drugs and drinking.
I`m my own worst enemy, left to my

devices I will kill myself, with

see my hp knows this. thats why I`m

not alone
on this road.
I thank all of you, even those I am

not in total
agreement with.. for walking with


too loudly, maybe one day it I`ll

finally let go
of that defect, if indeed it is one.
God Bless

The Lord is my sponsor, I shall not

He maketh me go to many meetings.
He leadeth me to sit back, relax and

listen with
an open mind.
He restoreth my soul, my sanity and

He leadeth me in paths of serenity

fellowship for my sake.
He teacheth me to think, take it

easy, to live
and let live, and
do first things first.
He maketh me honest, humble and

He teacheth me to accept the things I

to change the things I can, and

giveth me the
to know the difference.
Yea, though I walk through the valley

despair, frustration,
guilt and remorse, I will fear no

For thou art with me.
The program, the way of life, the

twelve steps,
they comfort me.
Thou prepatest a table before me in

presence of mine
enemies - which are rationalization,

anxiety, selfpity,
and resentment.
Thou anointest my confused mind and

nerves with
knowledge, understanding, and hope.
No longer am I alone, neither am I

afraid or
sick or hopeless.
Surely serenity shall follow me every

day of my
life, 24 hours
at a time; as I surrender my will to

thee, and
carry the
message to others.
I will dwell in the house of the

Higher Power,
as I understand
Him, daily, forever and ever.

-- Anonymous

Today`s thought is:
When you can`t stand criticism you

learn to be
a perfectionist.
It`s human to make mistakes and to

incomplete. Perhaps if we were
all smooth plastic printouts we could

perfection of ourselves.
Each man is actually a process. We

are not
things, but events--happenings--and

events are still unfolding. These are

spiritual adventures.
We have somehow learned that openness

criticism is dangerous.
Perhaps we thought someone would not

like us
if we were wrong, or
that we would get hurt or belittled.

When we
live with a relationship to
our Higher Power, we can stand up for
ourselves. A man has a right to
make some mistakes! We grow more if

allow ourselves the leeway
of simply being in process.
I will not ask to have the power of

perfection. I
will only ask that I not
be alone in the process of living my

I need not name names, unless I am

asked to
do so.
I want to thank the person who wrote

this for
my for my six month anniversery.
If I could find the words to say how

much it
brought up and brings up my spirits,

would not be enough. thank you for

there for me, for sharing your wisdom

friendship with me. I am lucky to

have friends
like yourself. friends that are real.


A.B.C. - Acceptance, Belief, Change
A.C.T.I.O.N. - Any Change Toward

OneĆÆ¿½s Nature
B.I.B.L.E. - Basic Instructions

Before Leaving
D.E.N.I.A.L. - DonĆÆ¿½t Even Notice I

Am Lying
E.G.O. - Edging God Out
F.A.I.L.U.R.E. - Fearful, Arrogant,

Lonely, Unsure, Resentful, Empty
F.E.A.R. - Face Everything & Recover

/ Fuck
Everything & Run
False Expectations Appearing Real
F.I.N.E. - Fucked up, Insecure,

Neurotic &
F.U.B.A.R. - Fixed Up (Fucked Up)

Beyond All
G.O.D. - Good Orderly Direction
H.A.L.T. - Hungry, Angry, Lonely,

H.E.L.P. - Hope, Encouragement, Love,

H.O.W. - Honesty, Open-mindedness,
S.L.I.P. - Sobriety Lost ItĆÆ¿½s

Priority / So
Long, IĆÆ¿½m Perfect
S.O.B.E.R. - Son Of a Bitch,

T.I.M.E. - Things I Must Learn

The Second Ten Commandments
1. Thou shall not worry,

for worry is the
most unproductive of all human

2. Thou shall not be

fearful, for most of
the things we fear never come to

3. Thou shall not cross

bridges before
you come to them, for no one yet has
succeeded in

accomplishing this. ;)
4. Thou shall face each

problem as it
comes. You can only handle one at a

5. Thou shall not take

problems to bed
with you, for they make very poor

6. Thou shall not borrow

other people`s
problems. They can better care for

them than
you can.
7. Thou shall not try to

relive yesterday
for good or ill, it is forever gone.

on what is

happening in your life
and be happy now!
8. Thou shall be a good

listener, for
only when you listen do you hear

different from your

own. It is hard
to learn something new when you are

and some people do know more

than you do.
9. Thou shall not become

down` by frustration, for 90% of it

is rooted in
self_pity and will

only interfere
with positive action.
10. Thou shall count thy

never overlooking the small ones, for

a lot of
small blessings

add up to a big

12:33 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
Nicotineism 6 Months I think

alcoholism.... ism
they are all the same to me, the

insanity of
addiction lies in each one, and

sometimes the
insanity lies in recovery as well.

smoking has been relatively easy,

whats lies
underneath the chemicals hasn`t been,

and yet
seeing it without the smokescreen is

one of
the best things about recovery from

nicotine so
I came in here grateful for a place

to recover,
went through hard stuff, and again at

a place
of gratetude, There are ppl here I

have qualms
with , and even with serenity, sense

of inner
peace, I still have qualms with,

but at the
same time, I`m grateful, they helped

direct me
into my own stuff.. thus giving me

oppertunity to heal..
If you`re having a hard time whether

starting out or farther down the

road.. Stick it
out... you`ve heard it before, it

will pass with
or without smoking... smoking only

adds more
problems to your life, not smoking

and facing
whatever it is will leave you free

and stronger..
ignoring whats behind your triggers

will only
encourage you to continue the

behavour that
leads you to smoking, it is much

better to look
at whats causing the trigger, chances

are youl
find its how you precieve whats going

on at
that time, and usually some simple

action on
your part will put and end to it.

Learn to know
when you`re hungry, tired, anxious

or.. and
take appropriate actions .. smoking

is never an
appropriate action.. if you

practice a spiritual
program, use it.
You will never be sorry you didnt

We are stronger then our addiction,

then our ism.. Dont give up..
Believe in yourselves and your

ability to stay
quit. You are all really doing

just great,
With the help and support of the 12

fellowship(s) I belong to, practicing

the 12
steps, and some very good friends
here at the Q, and by the grace of

god, I
haven`t had a puff
in 200 days... One day at a time..
Thank you for your Huge part in my

from nicotineism..
God bless you
keep the quit

surrender one thing, you gain

something to
replace it
From 449 on 1/26/2003 5:36:42 PM

I will know peace when I understand

profits and losses.
Few of us understand why we are here.

have some vague ideas but are not

really sure
why we are on the planet at this

time. We
know that something is going on but

we may
not be sure exactly what it is. For

those who
are seeking enlightenment about the

plan and
their purpose in the plan, here are a

few tips.
You are here:
To gain character as you lose ego
To gain integrity as you lose

To gain strength as you lose fear
To gain compassion as you lose
To gain discipline as you lose

To gain equality as you lose

To gain appreciation as you lose

To gain enthusiasm as you lose

To gain tenderness as you lose

To gain boldness as you lose

To gain generosity as you lose

To gain optimism as you lose

To gain excitement as you lose

To gain gratitude as you lose greed
To gain love as you lose ignorance
Until today, you may not have been

aware that
as you surrender one thing, you gain
something to replace it. Just for

today, live life
like it is a spiritual stock market.

Cut your
losses and celebrate your gains.
Today I am devoted to investing in

development of my spiritual nature!
Iyanla Vanzant
Yeah I know I don`t put lots of stuff

here, part
of it is cuz I`m listening, to what

others say,
taking what I need and leaving the

rest, being
of help where I can be, but

listening, to learn.
something I learned in the 12 step

listening rather then talking brings

and maybe a bit of humility, but

maybe I need
to post more, just on gp. I finally

know what
forum I belong in, thats good.
My story of smoking until some future

point I
don`t know about yet dosnt include

cancer or
other things that are often connected

, I have
been blessed to this point, the

future, well
when I get there.
but thats why I don`t write alot.
Since I quit smoking my hep c has

gone into
remission, it never did while

my seizures have become less, so the
chemicals in my brain are evening out

a bit,
that nice, I appreciate travelling

this path I
think of as freedom road.
What I know is letting go takes a bit

of trust,
for me it took a little more then

that, its not
the first time I`ve experinced an

event outside
of myself that struck me inside in

such a way
as to remind me I wont fall if I let

go, and in
letting go alot of stuff has been

taken from me,
memories no, I will always carry

them, but
now I dont hold on to the resentment

at least
as long as I turn it over, and have

hope of
regaining at least some of what was

I don`t like the bs around here

Disrespect of ppl who are here for

recovery, as
decent human beings, those who arent

if there is sucha thng here, know to

reponsible for their actions, only a

realy addict
dosnt know that because they have

lost that
along time ago,
the sober addict has to live being

well its time for me to do a 4th step

,deal with
alot of stuff, that sgood, I look

forward to not
carrying it anymore.
ina good mood, sleepy though..
have a good sunday
12:31 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
7 Months

7 months today, and as always I have


higherpower to thank first, and the q

to thank

second, and the little bit I did, I

thank me


Moonchaser never think for a second


havent given, you have and you

continue to do

so, and I wouldnt be here if not for

you. so get

it out of your head cuz you live in

my heart, I

would have been lost witout you. I

should cut

my nails cuz I cant type like this


little over two years ago I made 7

months and

relapsed. I`m and addict, I dont

slip, have

never slipped on anything, even if I

didnt get

addicted that time, ( those few times

not many

though) I am still an addict, once I

start I dont

stop, so slipping is only a mental

thing that

leads to relapse unless caught early

and dealth

with by using the program.

thats not what I wanted to say, it

feels like

I`ve come full circle, and in a way

I guess I

have, but to get past that day that

it happened,

that will be full circle.

I have crossed the line of pain into

the world I

know best, recovery, and so my quit


to, I am grateful, we have to go

through what

we go through in order to hit bottom

to get up

again and go, only that way do we

find the

helpless is not the same as

powerless is indeed power, to give in

to that

power greater then ourselves, to come


believe that in that sanity is

restord and the

next step taken, and so now my

recoveries are

more blended with each other and more


harmony though there are bumps. I`ll


through them with the help..

Shaody thank you for the post,
You`ve become such a good friend
I am very blessed.

I go forward from here.
with alot of help.


It is one of the most beautiful

of this life that no man can

try to help another without helping

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

`Be absolutely clear about who you

are and

what you stand for.
Refuse to compromise.`
-- Brian Tracy

We have two ears and one mouth so

we can listen twice as much as we

-- Epictetus

Have compassion for yourself and

Everyone is doing the best they can

based on

their life experiences.
Everyone is learning and growing, and

so are

- HeartMath Discovery Program, Doc


and Sara Paddison

Feelings pass if you express

If you don`t they accumulate and you



It`s one thing to own your own

feelings and

share them,
it`s another thing to sit in your


Pain is like a door,
you have to go through it to get to

the other


I used to act off a feeling.


It Don`t Matter, Don`t Drink...This

is from my

sponsor`s sponsor, Jim Emanuel

Every grain of sand is in it`s

place. (just ask

my wife!) Ray G.

If you don`t like what your getting,

stop doing

what you`re doing.

What lies behind us and what lies

before us

are tiny matters compared to what

lies within


If nothing changes, nothing changes


The person who says it cannot be

done should

not interrupt the person who is doing

it ...

When you come to the edge of all the


you know, and are about to step off

into the

darkness of the unknown, faith is

knowing one

of two things will happen: There will


something solid to stand on, or you

will be

taught how to fly. Barbara J.


Worry is an abuse of God`s gift of

imagination. Corrine Lajeunesse

Even if you are on the right track,

you`ll get

run over if you just sit there.


Keep It Simple

But For the Grace of God

Easy Does IT

First Things First

Just For Today

Let It Begin With ME (example story

below on

the slogan)

The following words were written on

the tomb

of an
Anglican bishop in the crypts of



When I was young and free and my

imagination had no limits, I dreamed


changing the world. As I grew older

and wiser,

I discovered the world would not

change, so I

shortened my

sights somewhat and decided to change


my country. But it too seemed


As I grew into my twilight years, in

one last

desperate attempt, I settled for

changing only

family, those closest

to me, but alas, they would have none

of it.

And now as I lay on my deathbed, I


realize: If I had only changed myself

first, then

by example I would have

changed my family.

From their inspiration and

encouragement, I

would then have been able to better


country and, who knows, I may have


changed the world.

By Anonymous

How Important is it?


One Day at A Time

Keep an Open Mind

Live and let Live

Let Go and Let God (example story

below on

the slogan)

The Cross Room
The young man was at the end of his


Seeing no way out, he dropped to his

knees in


`Lord, I can`t go on,` he said. `I

have too

heavy a cross to bear.`

The Lord replied, `My son, if you

can`t bear its

weight, just

place your cross inside this room.

Then, open that other door and pick

out any

cross you wish.`

The man was filled with relief.

`Thank you,

Lord,` he sighed,

and he did as he was told. Upon

entering the

other door, he

saw many crosses, some so large the


were not visible.

Then, he spotted a tiny cross leaning

against a

far wall. `I`d

like that one, Lord,` he whispered.

And the

Lord replied,` My

son, that is the cross you just

brought in.`

When life`s problems seem

overwhelming, it

helps to look

around and see what other people are


with. You may

consider yourself far more fortunate

than you

12:29 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it
Parts of my quit
Whatever your cross, whatever your

There will always be sunshine after

the rain.
Perhaps you may
stumble, perhaps even fall,
But God`s always ready to answer your

He knows every heartache, sees every

A word from His lips can calm every

Your sorrows may linger throughout

the night,
But suddenly vanish at dawn`s early

The Savior is waiting somewhere

To give you His grace and send you

His love.
Whatever your cross, whatever your

God always sends rainbows after the


The law of harvest is to reap more

than you
Sow an act, and you reap a habit.
Sow a habit and you reap a character.
Sow a character and you reap a

~ James Allen
Blessed are those who can give

remembering and take without

-- Elizabeth Bibesco
I do not know whether I was a man

dreaming I
was a butterfly,
whether I am now a butterfly dreaming

I am a
Chuang-tzu (c.369-c.286 BC)
Pearls are the product of pain -
precious, tiny, jewels,
conceived through irritation,
born of adversity,
nursed by adjustment.
Anger is a human emotion,
Rage is not,
Talk about it.
Anger wears masks
I had to learn to feel certain

Today I walk through feelings
that I used to run from.

febuary 28
Congratulations my friend
6 month is so exciting,
you`ve come so so far and
I wish there were words to
tell you how proud I am
of you....
You`re an incredible friend.

Wishing you have a terrific


shaody stood by me when I was caught
in the post and very much in trouble,
its largely due to his friendship
and willingness to see a friend

that I made it through and recovered.

to you my friend.

`Adversity is the trial of principle.
Without it man hardly knows whether

he is
honest or not.`
- Henry Fielding (1707-1754)
`The spiritual journey, the path of

recovery and
personal growth,
is a detoxification process in which

bring up and out the negative beliefs

we have
carried with us
from the past and that now poison the
~Marianne Williamson
`The principles you live by create

the world
you live in;
if you change the principles you live

you will change your world.`
-- Blaine Lee
Sometimes there are no answers,
there are only examples.
Mark Kostew
Anger taken out on myself,
is like picking up a hot coal to

throw at you.
I get burned first.
It is by sharing the pain
that I learn how to laugh.
When I share my pain,
my disease loses weapons to use

against me.
Hatred is too powerful of an emotion

to waste
on someone that you don`t like.
When you come to the edge of all the

light you
know, and are about to step
off into the darkness of the unknown,

faith is
knowing one of two things
will happen: There will be something

solid to
stand on, or you will be
taught how to fly. Barbara J. Winter

Today I turn 8 months smober, I`m

grateful to
be out of the dreaded 7 months,

thank you for sharing your experience

with me,
I count it as a blessing, that would

make you
an eskimo. Moonchaser, Andy2 AlphabL2
shaody CaneMstr, scamp 414, mcjor

thank you
for being there, for sticking with me

things were at their worst and for

giving me a
hand when I was ready to come out of

bottom. Frank (moron) has been with

every step of the way over the past

months, he tells me every day give it

to god
give it to god, been along time since

I`ve been
able to do that, but its becoming

because of the spiritual help hes

given me,
he`sa great friend. Molasses put

words to my
thoughts and questions and made it

to let it go. thank you. ((((((((OA

I love you guys so much. Thanks to

all the
newcomers for keeping me honest and

me grow, hope i have helped you in

I count everyone here as an eskimo, I

truely blessed to have smobriety and

good support in my efforts.

Prudential your
friendship has been a life and sanity

miss you being here so much.
Psyona, squisher thank you for

your posts :)
This smobriety, its so worth hanging

onto, I
hope everyone will keep up your great

Everyday is a huge accomplishment, s

if you`re
stuggling hang in. I can promise you

it gets
incredibly good.. I still have a hard

time too
sometimes, thats why we have each

Don`t check out before the miracle

happens to
My friend Chris (Canemstr) is in the

today having surgery, If you come

across this
little thing. Would you stop a

moment and say
a prayer for Chris,
maybe our good thoughts and wishes

reach him and help him during this


you can learn more about his

situation here.
Credit for this miracle goes first to

my higher
second goes too my support system,

at the q
and third, me for the little bit I

Thank you for your part in my


Falling in love.
Laughing so hard your face hurts.
A hot shower.
No lines at the Super WalMart.
A special glance.
Getting mail.
Taking a drive on a scenic road.
Hearing your favorite song on the

Lying in bed listening to the rain

Hot towels out of the dryer.
Finding the sweater you want is on

sale for
half price.
Chocolate milkshake.
A long distance phone call.
A bubble bath.
A good conversation.
The beach.
Finding a $20 bill in your coat from

last winter.
Laughing at yourself.
Midnight phone calls that last for

Running through sprinklers.

Laughing for absolutely no reason at

Having someone tell you that you`re

Laughing at an inside joke.
Falling in love for the first time.
Accidentally overhearing someone say
something nice about you.
Waking up and realizing you still

have a few
hours left to sleep.
Your first kiss.
Making new friends or spending time

with old
Playing with a puppy.
Late night talks with your roommate
Having someone play with your hair.
Sweet dreams.
Hot chocolate.
Road trips with friends.
Swinging on swings.
Watching a good movie cuddled up on a

with someone you love.
Wrapping presents under the Christmas

while eating cookies and drinking
Song lyrics printed inside your new

CD so you
can sing along without feeling
Going to a really good concert.
Making eye contact with a cute

Making chocolate chip cookies!
Hugging the person you love.
Watching the expression someone`s

face as
they open a much-desired present
Getting out of bed every morning and

God for another beautiful day.
** Many people will walk in and out

of your
life, but only true friends will
leave a footprint in your heart **

Thanks Morice :-)
Congratulations on 3 Years!!
12:27 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
1 Year

Lucy`s Independence Day Rable.. One

(too long again)
From CouragetoChange on 7/4/2003


364 and some odd hours, July 4th

2002, I was
sitting in my place, sorry
for not having gone and made sure I

had cigs
through July 4th. I had
done it on purpose, but it wasn`t a

quitdate, I just never kept
my quitdates, so I stopped making

I had been feeling harrassed by those

television commercials
about smoking so I had quit watching

tv, but
one thing that got
through to me about this drug, more

then any
other, was that if I really
hit bottom with this one, I wasn`t

getting back
up again. It kind of
struck me, it was scary enough to

thinking about quitting. Also I
was tired of making bargins with God

quitting, well if you just
help me feel better I promise I`ll

quit, just get
me through the night, the month, I`ll

quit, I
promise. Sounds familar lol.
I ran out of cigs july 4th, 7pm, I

exhausted from spending two days
awake downloading music on kazaalite,

so I
put the patch on and went
to bed. I woke the next morning

listening to
my disease telling me come
on lets go to the store. I was just

starting to
get dressed when I realized
my mind was already half way to the

store on
its own, kind of shocked
me into sitting back down. I had

heard of qn
from cspan, and came and
got an account here. I`ve been here

since july
5th 2002, I just had trouble
finding a name lol.
Its not been that hard in terms of

cravings for
me. The mental stuff has
usually been about something else

happened, that I didn`t want to
look at, the stuff I smoked about. I

really have
come to believe that its
always about something else that we

cravings for once past the
physical withdrawls. That all of that

stuff , at
least for me, was painful
enough, or scary enough, or my pride

had been
hurt enough, or I
wasn`t good enough, or I was too

fearful enough that I smoked
over these things, even in sobriety

in program
where these things were
supposed to have been addressed, but

to a
large degree were swept
under the rug even further. I feel so

blessed to
be able to finally honestly
look at whats there, make an

inventory share it
with someone, and give
it to God.
Since being quit, I like breathing

easier, I like
not getting bronchitis
every six months, I loved going

through winter
without a flu shot and
without the flu. I love having

choices about
what I want to spend my
money on. I love not going to shower

to wash
out the smokey smell, to
just take a shower. I love being

comfortable in
non smoking resteraunts,
and other places. I love being

smokefree. And
like that nicorette
commercial says... I look good

without a
cigarette :-) I feel even better.

Those of you who are new, the

beginning is
really hard for many of us,
hang on through it, yell scream,

post, go to
chat, qmail ppl you don`t even know,

its ok to
do that, do whatever you need to stay

Trust God and do whats in front of

you.. whats
in front of you is to not smoke a day

at a time.
thats all you need to worry about.

You can do
it!! Congratulations
on chosing to save your life!
I am going to make an exception in

ppl,to thank, for
Moonchaser, to you my longest qbud,

lots and
lots of thanks and hugs
and love, cuz at 16 days, I was

pissed off, and
you had the nerve to get
involved. I`m here because of that,

because of your ongoing
love and support and friendship. God

gave me
an eskimo I could keep. Moon

on One Year! and some odd days :-)

Also to
andy2 and AlphaBL1 who were and

continue to
be my elders, who for
whatever reason, god sent to me then.

for putting up with me. I
love ya lots.
There are so many other ppl who have

made a
difference in my quit,
and if I could list them all, it

would be a very
long list for sure, and when
I was done I`d realize I`d left

someone off and
kick myself, so no list, But
you know who you are, my deepest

thanks to
you for all you`ve given
me, for keeping me smokefree. To

those people
who were here when I
first came, who I couldn`t quite see

in all my
spacieness, to those of you
I`ve met along the way, what a

fellowship. I give credit first to
God, who without him, I wouldn`t be

writing this in the first place.
And I give credit to you. Thank you

so so
much. To me because this is
early, I give credit to make it till

7pm when my
one year is official.
((((((((((oa forum)))))))))) you guys

are the
best, thanks for being here,
the last six months, alot of miracles

in this
forum everyday.
And the journey continues.
To Everyone choosing freedom from

today... this is your Independence

Day too, any
day we don`t smoke, we claim

Happy 4th of July..
Thank every one of you for my

gby.. ktq.. popt... sgly.. lbm.. love

ya lots..
Dr. lucy (who`s doc shoes are still

too big yet)
and so on :-0

Fast foward >>>>>>>>>>>
Whoa Stop! Ok!
No back up a little..
My cousin who lives in Fairbanks, who

used to
be my best friend when I was a kid,

is moving
to anchorage.. so my whole world is

about to
go pooof! No not that bad really..

But will
miss her. I went to help her box

things up so
she could ship them. She fell off the

cig wagon
not long ago... I went over there,

and I hadn`t
had a smoke in almost 15 months.. and

I saw
the pack on the table.. And my

mind... Thank
you God for slowing things down

enough for
me to see them before they happen! It

was like
in my mind, they we`re already in my

and I could feel the part where its

about to
become physical and pick up... Damn

it was
scary. Well I can`t quote the big

book, but
basically it says a day will come

when nothing
stands between you and it but a power

then yourself. So I`m calling it a

experience and trying to have

gratetude for my
smobriety... we are never cured.
October 4th... 7 pm I made 15

I don`t give the q enough credit

every, and
really I know that there`s no other

way, at
least I haven`t found it, and I have

behind me, but not a program that on

its own,
without the fellowship here, can help

me keep
Thanks to everyone for you`re

support, and thanks for my smobriety.
God bless

Wow I just wrote a post and then it

was taken
me. Well Gods will I guess.
I wanted to thank everyone for their

posts, and
everyone for being here.
I was thinking thank I`ve never seen

without a smoke in my mouth or very

near by,
or that
I didn`t go to the store to get more

of my fix.
Smoking was as much a part of me as

limbs, or
any other part of me. I knew when I

that smoking was an addiction and

should be
given up
along with the narcotics and alcohol,

but I
the suggestion of not making any

changes in
my first year, many years later I was

smoking, and
for me I have to question just how

sober I
was, I found
quite a bit of my 4th step behind the
smokescreen. My
identity was included a cigarette,

part of left
rebellion? Yes to some degree, and

also the
medicine I
hid the pain I felt over being

attacked. I was
the girl/
woman who always have a cigarette,

would go
where I couldn`t smoke, would visit

no one
would`nt allow me to smoke, just no

way. Part
of my
insanity around smoking, was

beleiving that
happened to others, the illnesses,

the deaths,
couldn`t happen to me. That

invincable believe
with me with smoking. Finally I was

sick and
tired of
being sick and tired, and a failure,

ashamed I
stop, not liking myself much for

being a
harsh judgments. Smoking is cunning

powerful, and I`m convinced the only

way to
is through the 12 steps, we have, I

have to be
to do whats required, to go to any

lengths. One
day at
a time, I look forward to complete

sobriety from nicotine. And I believe

each and
one of us is capable of quiting and

staying quit.
I was
at a meeting where someone echoed

what I
believe. He
said we have choices, we can chose to
something we know is harmful and for

addictive, and continue the

progression of this
ism, or
we can choose not to and choose

recovery and
If anyone is questioning whether or

not you
can make
it through the day, stop questioning,

and make
choice. You`re not here because you

want to
smoking. Choose freedom, choose

choose to
not smoke.
You can do it, make the pledge, trust

God, and
Some of you, I can`t remember when

you came
you`re print is so embedded its like

its forever.
Those of
you who are new, I look forward to

you came in, its so awesome. I love

you all so
Thanks for giving me so much, and

me to try
and give a little.
Cspan Thanks for running down the

list of
sites, God
thank you for helping me to remember,

this journey with me, every step of

the way.
eskimos that have the courage to keep

place going,
God bless, And everyone here... Wow!

To everyone (moonchaser shaody

andy2(not part of this forum)And to

sponser. And
everyone else here and the q. Thank

you for my

Someone was confused, probaly because

I said
sobriety instead of smobriety, I see

smoking, recovery from not smoking

also as
sobriety, part of my over all

recovery from
`drugs` and alcohol.

somethings missing but its almost

whole, and
I don`t really know what happened but

have hiccuped.
12:25 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
14 Months Plus

Dec 4th, I reached 17 months quit.
I`m only just now getting to this

because, well
there could be several reasons, I

have not yet
learned how not to procrastinate for

very long
anyways lol. But my anny doesn`t

start until 7pm, when I put the patch

on and
went to bed july 4th.

Finally theres a bit of calmness that

I first
started noticing around 14 months,

although I rarely go a whole day

without the
subject coming up, there are those

days when
it comes up and goes away, like

taking it out to
pledge to stay quit, pray about it

and live the
day. People kept saying, swearing and
promising it would get better, and it

has. I`m
not taking it for granted though,

just enjoying
it when its not there.
I tell people to use peanuts, silly

putty, water,
prayer, and the 12 steps, cuz thats
what works for me, you find what

works for
you, use it, then pass it on to

someone else,
there are lots of great suggestions

I came in here with a load of unhappy

behind the smokescreen, amazing how

will fit back there and stay hidden

so well, tell
me tobacco isn`t powerful! In the

last month
or so its come to the breaking point,

and the
neat thing is I get to choose what

breaks. Its
an old tool that never worked very

well for
very long. I`ve traded it in for a

new tool that
will last longer as long as I take

care of it.
Staying quit has given freedom to

change, and bring choices into my

life I never
had. I say this only for myself, I

was not sober
while smoking. Could not have been.

sponser says keep my sobriety date,

honestly I feel my time sober is my

smober, thats when all hell broke

loose and the
opportunity to face it has come.

Anyway yeah
its good.
fear fuck everything and run
fear face everything and recovery
sober son of a bitch everythings real
sotc stay open to change
nope not one puff ever
kigcl keep it going choose life
and YCDI You Can Do It!

Ok I wander easily, so KTQ one day at

god bless

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Just for
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*No Matter
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Make A
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get Involved In
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Get A
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Call Your
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Be A
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Work The
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*You Are A
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep It
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Day At A


We know that God lovingly watches

over us.
We know that when we turn to
Him, all will be well with us, here



I pray for the willingness to

remember that I
am a child of God, a divine
soul in human form, and that my most

and urgent life-task is to
accept, know, love and nurture

myself. As I
accept myself, I am accepting
God`s will. As I know and love

myself, I am
knowing and loving God. As I
nurture myself I am acting on God`s


I pray for the willingness to let

go of my
arrogant self-criticism, and to
praise God by humbly accepting and

caring for
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*It`s An Inside
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*First Things
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Easy Does
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Live And Let
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep The Focus On
You can start finding your own divine

when you start loving others.
But that doesn`t count until you can

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Live Go And Let

`You see the glass half empty, or you

can see it
half full.`
You can focus on what`s wrong in your

or you can focus on what`s right.
But whatever you focus on, you`re

going to get
more of.
Creation is an extension of thought.
Think lack, and you get lack.
Think abundance, and you get more.`
Marianne Williamson
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Turn It
God is ready the moment you are.
Emmet Fox
The beginning of love is
to let those we love be perfectly

and not to twist them to fit our own

We don`t receive wisdom;
we must discover it for ourselves

after a
that no one can take for us or spare

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Come To
Change is what happens when the pain

holding on
becomes greater than the fear of

Letting Go.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Miracle Is
Let us not look back in anger,
nor forward in fear,
but around us in awareness.
~James Thurber~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Today Is A
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Keep Gratitude Up
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Walk The
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*One Promise, Many

`You must change in order to

--Pearl Bailey
`The need for change bulldozed a road

the center of my mind.`
--Maya Angelou
`Each day comes bearing its own

gifts. Untie
the ribbons.`
--Ruth Ann Schabaker
`It takes as much courage to have

tried and
as it does to have tried and

--Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Freedom is not free.
With freedom comes responsibility.
To whom much is given,
much is required.
You can`t think your way into right

you have to live your way into right

When we cannot bear to be alone,
it means we do not properly value the

we will have from birth to death -

-- Eda LeShan
.our life crises tell us that we need

to break
free of beliefs
that no longer serve our personal

These points at which we must choose

or to stagnate are our greatest

Every new crossroads means we enter

into a
new cycle of change
- whether it be adopting a new health

or a new spiritual practice.
And change inevitably means letting

go of
familiar people and places
and moving on to another stage of

-- Caroline Myss, PH.D., Anatomy of

the Spirit
Realize that now, in this moment of

time, you
are creating.
You are creating your next moment

based on
what you are feeling and thinking.
That is what`s real.
We can let go of the unconscious

belief that
being anxious about the past
or the future will somehow protect us
and instead reprogram our cells with

new ways
of responding.
-- Doc Childre
`Faith is not trying to believe

regardless of the evidence.
Faith is daring to do something

regardless of
the consequences.`
-- Sherwood Eddy
What you are afraid to do is a clear

of the next thing you need to do.
Learn to Let Go.
That is the key to happiness.
Worry is like a rocking chair --
it gives you something to do
but it doesn`t get you anywhere.
For my shortcomings, I delegate;
for my strengths, I congratulate.

January 4th I turned 18 Months quit.

its hard
to believe it, a year and a half. Its

something I dared think about, not

even dare
to think of tomorrow. This quit has

been such
one day at a time thing, that when

asked when
my 500 days was, I didn`t say because

I had
not reached it yet.
So 18 Months, Sunday, I still have to

everyone, slow as I am about it

sometimes, I
love everyone for their kindness to

wish a
happy anniversary to me and to

anyone. Its so
important, that if everyone took five

each and posted their anniversary,

the entire
anny page would be in milestones with

post per person, high ideal I know,

but I still
wish it.
I am still an addict, I know that,

its not ever
going to change, will still be

reaching for
something thats probably not good for

me, but
at the same time, taking out one more
addictive behavior, removing the

has been something else. I used to go

something good to eat on anniversary,

but in
December I joined the diabetic diet

website on
the 4th, I chose not to break the

diet but to
keep it, because I bought that for

me. Guess
my ideas on the quick fix and instant
gratification are changing even a

little more.
Its been slow learning anything about

life with some happiness, but it is

This is a process, its not an over

night deal, it
goes on and on. I would wish everyone

on this
journey, steady ground, with just

rocks, that you would find one soft

enough and
the right size, should you forget

your pillow.
Hang with the quit no matter what,

This place is full of miracles, why

not be one of
them? keep it going - choose life
(who`s site I cant get into since the

virus bit my computer, aarrgghh! )
I don`t know if we every reach

freedom, from
addiction, no way, with drugs and

drinking, the
obsession was lifted, and while I

could co back
just like that in a second, with

thinking, today, as long as my

condition is in progress, my chances

of going
to bed sober are good. With quit, the

same is
true. The only difference I can see,

is that with
the quit, I`m not willing to put my

down, done it too many times and lost

it too
many times. But freedom, at least the

of being free, yes its there, as long

as its not
taken for granted. I love that

feeling, it is
something to continue to strive for,

something to assume is mine. I`m

and better stop before this makes no

Thanks everyone who`s been here and

is here
every day I come here. God bless.

This is a poem a friend wrote for my

18th anny,
for me it really hit home, this

recovery, life on
lifes terms, and still so much to

love and be
grateful for. thanks frank.

I can see now
my eyes are clear
I can breath
an Know that
I heal
thou sometimes
life it just plain
I know
I don`t have
to smoke because
it does.
I may at times
even feel more
but its worth
when Iam
smober and clean
sometimes I get love
sometimes I don`t
sometimes I give Love
sometimes I don`t
In the end
I must Love
and that
12:24 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
19 Months

19 months huh? Geez its not something

I ever
thought could happen, not in a

million years,
well it didn`t happen in a million

years, it
happened one day at a time, turning

it over
and not trying to figure out what

would be like, if it would be worse

then today.
I think the biggest thing I did for

myself in
starting this quit was to decide I

didn`t know
sh*t, about how it would go, and

decided to go
along for the ride. Its been a

wonderful ride,
lots of ups and downs, lots of

around, especially early on, just
being crazy, and all of that had to

be done
before it started to get better. I

didn`t start
having to hold on for dear quit until

about 3
months when the the smokescreen was

gone, and I started having flashbacks

I`m glad to say thats not happening

But the thing is, things get better,

and once
that starts to happen, it happens

pretty quick
most of the time. I see people at

only a few
days saying why is it so hard, and I

just want
to say it just is, hang on, get

through the day
the best you can, and don`t smoke no

what, and you`ll be one day closer to

freedom. It really does happen, there

people, miracles all around who have

done it.
It really is a process, that if

allowed to
continue produces great results.

Having energy
and being able to breath is an

amazing thing.
Not having to jump off the bus when

its -40 to
duck in a doorway and smoke because

having a nic fit, is very nice, big

plus that one,
This is the second year that so far

no flu, not
bronchitis, I used to have bronchitis

all the
time, it required treatment several

times a
year, so being without it is huge for

me. I`ve
started a diet that, had I not quit

probably wouldn`t have started, and

the cool
thing about the diet is it just

teaches you to
eat properly, which I never had down

too well
to begin with, a fringe benefit?

Maybe. I`m
just very grateful for all of you, I

think unless
God had other plans, without you,

there would
be no quit for me. Thank you for

walking with
me and for carrying me at times for

the past 19
The new people, I wish you the best

in your
early journeys, luck is not something

you will
need, just solid determination and a
willingness to accept being

uncomfortable for
short periods of time, to be free for

the rest of
your life, one day at a time. Hang in

there, and
keep working for it. You can do it.
I haven`t been here much the past
month,lethargic I guess, mid winter

maybe, and computer trouble as well,

lost a
hard drive and a lot of stuff, so for

those I`ve
missed I apologize for that, and I do

see you
running around and that makes me

God bless and thank you.

The measure of a man`s real character

is what
he would do if he knew he would never

found out. T.B. Macaulay

Y.E.T. You`re eligible too
Qmail is really full (22 months

ramble... which
wasn`t supposed to be a ramble at all

My qmail is really full, and I have

some qmails
there I need to respond to and say

geez my brain is off right now. too

early I
suppose but you know who you are.

Terri what
a great job with annys you did! (oa)

I goof too,
have to check espeically the early

ones just to
see, and I had forgot to check. So

not your
Congrats to everyone! I have great

on this quit date of mine, love that

cake too,
mmmm-mm! Who made it anyway, I`m sure
its home made, only the best went

into it. Not
sure just what kind it is, but I

chocolate, and whip cream for icing

is too
much to ask for, the fresh

strawberries are the
sweetest topping topping you could

think of,
and all the special effort by some

very special
quitsters makes this cake the best of

all, what
a great ingredient, thanks for the

For the new people and everyone else

far as
that goes, I can only repeat my story

since it
hasn`t changed, except once in a

while when
I`m feeling particularly egotistical

it does grow
and get real scary, mostly to me, so

I have to
pull the plug lol.
I came in here after quitting 7

months, my first
serious try, and after many tries

finally quit,
having stayed up two days, then was

too tired
to go get the money that would get me

on the 4th of July, I know that sub
unconsciously I planned it, for once

the dove
outsmarted the vulture lol.
Anyway got in here the 5th and was

and grateful for the support. Unlike

anything I
ever dreamed possible, and I

immediately felt
at home, and felt at home. Lost the

ability to
spell fifth, kept spelling it fith

lol, people
helped me with that. My quit,

physically has
been pretty easy considering what its

been in
the past, I attribute it to God, and

to the fact
that I decided finally, after being

convinced it
was going to hurt big time,
that I really didn`t know what was

going to
happen or how terrible it was going

to be,
coming to terms with that idea

allowed me to
be open to maybe succeeding. So far

so good,
with God and you, I just might yet.
About 3 months in I began remembering

abused and raped, and that was very

because it was the last thing I was

expecting. I
actually left, but people from the Q,

Canemstr, and Moonchaser, plus more,

me back, I went to other addictions

where I should have been to begin

with, and
wow what support! Love other

addictions, and
boy do I belong!! Anway, some of you

come face to face with your selves,

your not so
great stuff, and I want you to know

it gets
better. Theres a club for it now,

survivors quit I think, I was glad to

be able to
just tell my story. Then let it go.

Everyone You
are the most important person in the

room at
this moment. Overall, the newcomers

are the
most... precious, without you, we

just get old
and dwindle... well get old anyway

I don`t handle rejection well at all,

can`t stand
it, And the other day one of the

clubs I belong
to made a decision, that put someone

in a
position. I came in and saw this

decision had
been made. Felt I`m a member of this

damn it, why didn`t I get an

opinion!!!!! I
need to work on that. Had I been

asked, I
would have agreed. I can`t even say

it was
rejection, just what I decided to see

it as, it is
ego, ego and selfishness way out of

place and
not ever belonging, a nasty character

Anway that person left the club, and

I`d like to
ask her to come back, I will leave if

thats what
she needs, but whatever, we need her

there. Apologies made, I`m not at my

9th step
yet, so maybe its not done right.


Shelling peanuts, silly putty, video

water, breathing, learning to eat

when hungry,
sleep when tired., got lots

of info
there(cuz of ptsd I`m not a good

still use parts of it), read read

read, and you
guys is the practical stuff I did,

but because of
the you guys, its much deeper and

much richer
the just the nuts and bolts... but

those are
hugely important, these days its

luscious fruit
from the store. Actually bought one

of those
huge boxes of strawberries I`ve been
promising myself, but couldn`t afford

I was smoking!
Love you guys..... you and me and God

responsible for my quit, I know I

have the part
of keeping it, God has the part of

keeping my
sh*t from getting to bad, and helping

me get
through when it is, You are my

support which
is so big, and also do part of Gods

work, cuz
God works through people.
Anyway I just wanted to say my qmail

full...... Thank you!!!
12:22 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
2 Years

2 year ramble
First Congratulations to all those

sharing my
quitdate. Terri, Its an honor to be

present and
standing with you on the same day as

reach 500 days, and become Lady

Several years ago I had quit smoking
cigarettes, and stayed quit smoking,

until I
decided to experiment with crack

cocaine, and
ended up trading one for the other. I

can now
look back at the insanity of such

behavior and
laugh, but only because others who
understood could laugh too and make

it seem
not so big, I had to get into this

quit, into
Quitnet to find those people. I had

to enter
this quit, to be ready to hit bottom

from that
last drug spree, so if you think

Quitnet is only
for quitting smoking, think again.

smoking is just a symptom, its not

that part of
me and some of you too that

ultimately is in
need of recovery.
My first couple weeks in I met a lady

who calls
herself Moonchaser, who is so much

down the path of recovery in many

She`s been there when things were

really bad,
when I couldn`t stay away from anger

long,a nd
when I really didn`t know why all

that was
happening. But Moon, shakey as she

could be
sometimes, always has room and time

and I
love her for all thats she`s given,

she`s the
best kind of friend I think there is.

We kept
each other going, thought who gave

we`d probably agrue that one between
ourelves, and I`d still believe it

was her :)
Moon thanks so much, I love ya lots,

and very
proud of you always. I`m sure glad

you got to
be the leader

Since stopping smoking, I`ve had no

flu shots,
and no flu. I came down with a cold

that was
pretty minor stuff, tickeled my brain

a little,
but not my
lungs. I work out because I can, and

because it
feels good to be active again. These

things are
all so attainable. Quitting is

doable, but its not
easy, if the physical stuff doesn`t

get you the
other will, but how you choose to

look at it has
a lot to do with how far you`ll get.

We know
coming in it might not be easy, but

fail to look
at the idea that maybe it won`t be

that tough.
I think giving that chance for the

good is so
important. The hard
passes, and the longer you stay quit

the better
it gets, I know you`ve already read

this stuff. I
can only say its true, and encourage

you to
it all you got and keep it going, the

pay off is
To all those who have inspired me

along the
way, Shaody, CaneMstr, JFFers, other
addictions, milestones, and so many

thank you for being there and still

being there.
God bless you.
Well Alaska has been in fires for

over two
weeks now, and for one we`ve been
stuck with smoke in the air and soot

and ash,
everything, so today I woke up
with sun in my eyes and thought well

then realized what it was, the
sun! I got up and was looking at blue

skys and
warm day. So this day was
spent with a few friends from NA

sharing a
picnic. Personally it was a great
day for the smoke to dissipate.
Thank you, everyone in this site, for

all you`ve
given, some of you I don`t know, but

this is a
we thing, and I wouldn`t be here

without you,
God bless.
And Happy July 4th! Thanks for my

Big hugs
August 4th, 04
I remember this little guy in a wheel

chair, he
really was little too. Some kind of

birth defect,
or maybe it was an illness that got

him, I never
knew. All I knew was that we did meth
together, lots of it. Somehow we had

to get him up the stairs of the hotel

I lived it,
no we didn`t have wheelchair

everywhere yet. I was crashing, after

days up,
and was very uncomfortable. I had

tranqs in the dresser drawers, extra

and no common sense that day. I took

four of those things. Went to bed and

I really
don`t remember much after that. But I

groggy, to a burnt up bed, and a

third degree
burn on my hip. I took a cigarette to

bed with
me and caught it on fire. This little

guy in the
wheelchair put the fire out with a

coffee can
and water from the sink, he saved my

life. I
didn`t remember taking that cigarette

to bed,
but I know that in my using career,

was the last to go, and the hardest.

Its tough
looking at the things we run from all

of our
lives, because there are probably

good reasons
we`re running. In recovery, I`ve

learned its
better to face the inside of me, then

keep up a
good front.
The inside job always needs to be

everyday. Everyday we keep the quit

we`re doing it, even if it doesn`t

seem like it at
the time. We`re trying to learn a new

way of
life as non smokers, but we can`t

think our
way into a new way of living, we have

to live
our way into a new way of thinking.
I was working on a neighbors

computer, trying
to install a driver from a disk that

cooperating. I managed to pull the

whole thing
off the disk to the hard drive, and

install from
there, so it worked ok. He wanted to

light up
while I was there, and I said no way,

and felt
good about standing up for my right

to breath
clean air. There was already enough

hand smoke, when I was done I was

glad to get out of there. He wanted

to know if
I`d smoke a bowl of weed in payment

for my
time. Geez! It feels good to be

making sober
choices. I chalked it up to a favor

passed on, as
my computers been serviced free more

once, and I`ve learned from it.
An huge upside is the test results

from the
labwork my doc did, my cholesterol is

without drugs, the hep c isn`t

happening and
the doc is starting to think `cured`,

I`ll settle
for in remission and be grateful its

non active.
All this since quitting smoking. Its

a big deal,
considering I was heading for trouble

The quit is worth everything you

have, and
worth everything you may think you

have. Nothing but good can come from

smoking. We say in program we`re

learning to
be happy, joyous and free. Well those

don`t happen over night, just like

addicted doesn`t, so easy does it.

trusting God, or whoever your HP is,

and doing
whats in front of you.
Come to one of the forums and pledge

to stay
quit another day, and carry that

pledge with
you. The next day do it again. Keep

coming to
the Quitnet everyday. If you think

you can`t do
it another minute, reach out to

quitster, take out some insurance

against the
next crave. You`re so worth not

smoking. Hang
in there and never give up.
Thanks for taking me 25 months in



30 months
Its hard to write much right now as

I`ve got
an 8 week old puppy wanting my

honestly its pretty hard not to give

it lol.
When I look back at where I came

from, I
smoked like I did everything else, to

and without an ability to control it,

happened, I began to quit, I did

quit, then I
fell, and felt bad enough to say

screw it, went
right back to using non stop and full

and what its like now.... the man

across the
hall from me went nuts last night, it

meant the
cops coming, lots of stress for lots

of people,
and it wasn`t lots of fun, but what I

realized is
that I went through that without the

that a smoke would fix me during that

mess. I
know there are lots of other things

I`d rather
have done, but finally, after a few

24 hours
working on this thing, smoking wasn`t

one of
If you`re struggling with quitting,

trying to
hang on, thinking about quitting, I

just want to
say go for it. You have nothing to

lose by
quitting smoking. The days that are

bad pass,
you just have to believe in that more

then you
believe you`ll go crazy, because

everything is
temporary... but your quit.. that is

one day at a
time. You can do it.
At 30 months, I just wanted to send a

heartfelt thanks to Moonchaser, who

was my
first quitbud, and who I`m pretty

sure I`d
never make it without. Guess it was a

thing, so Moon, love you, thanks for

walking it
with me. And to everyone else. I know

haven`t been here as much as before

and, I
don`t know, I`m just spreading my

wings and trying to learn to fly so

to speak.
You`ve all been in my heart, and

behind each
successful day. There was no real

hope before
quitnet, today I`m beginning to think

I can do
just about anything... now if I can

just house
break this puppy :)
Thanks for helping me make this 24

30 months and counting
12:20 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

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Rant and 1000 Days

a rant and apology of sorts
From CouragetoChange on 3/21/2005

Well sort of, there are some things

going on
that are making it hard to do
anniversaries, mainly that I`m

struggling to be
able to see. My glasses are really

busted, and
I`m waiting to be called in for the

new pair,
until then its really frustrating,

because there
are a lot of little things I can`t do

well right
now. The bright side of all of that

is that I am
far sided, and can actually survive

pretty well
getting from point A to point B

walking into something along the way.

I have
them taped right now, but they fall

apart, I
retape them, they fall apart, and so

on, so its
just a pain right now.
Resentments, well sort of. A

girlfriend of mine
once told me that she knew that it

healthy for an addict to demand an

apology for
something that someone had done wrong

her, but she said that she still

needed it. And of
course I tried to tell her to let it

go, its not a
good direction to go in, but she

insisted that
this time, she needed the apology.

Well today I
understand what she was saying, and I

very much in that space. I`m tired of

the blame for someone elses actions,

tired of
having people wag their fingers at

me, virtual
or otherwise, and tell me I`m wrong,

I`m not. And like my friend, I need

those who
are involved to admit THEIR part.

This is the
first time in any time of my life

that I`ve felt
this way enough to actually

acknowledge it
inside myself. My friend, she didn`t

use, or
drink again, but I wish I knew where

she was,
this was her experience first, she

lived it, and it
would be nice to know how she came to

with it.
There is this guy in program, Bob E.,

he says
when you hit the wall turn left. That

perfect sense to me, because when I

hit the
wall, I insist on breaking it down to

get to the
other side, only to land on my****out

in the
cold and in deep ****, so I`m trying

to turn
left, I just keep trying to ram the

wall on the
way around. I`m pretty sure that

the wall will come down and I`ll be

my****in the cold in deep ****, till

then I`ll
keep trying to walk on eggshells.
The last time I was this angry was

when I was
in week weak, and had gone right

through the
roof, I was furious because I had

reached 14
days and it seemed no one gave a

****, and I
was really doubting that it was worth
anything, but I was angry and

fighting because
I didn`t want that kind of doubt

going on too.
The lady who saved my butt is an

alanon, who
to this day I know I still have my

quit because
of her, she has such a huge part in

it. But she
wrote e mailed me today and totally
understands everything, what she said
reminded me of the responsibility

pledge, and I
know that like the anniversaries, it

too has no
place in other addictions forum, but

it has a
place in my heart. I`ve not been

doing a good
job of living it lately.
So I don`t expect an apology from

anyone. I
also accept no blame. Looking back a

little, I
can see how when there are a lot of
anniversaries, they might drown out

the other
posts here. What I know, is that it

could have
been dealt with much more effectively

peacefully, without using a flame war

to do it..
Like my friend, this time around I

need you to
admit your part.... And I tell you

this, if you are
program, any of you, you know damn

well you
have one! If I owe an amends for that
statement, consider it done.
That said, it would be nice if more

remembered to swing by the anny club

wish these folks a happy one whenever

can. God bless you guys.

Chavella, 2 years, Missy321, 1 year,

accomplishments each of you, and with

much good work done during that time.

for everything you do around here. I

know I`m
still here in part because of you

two. Hope
you`re doing something special.

thanks once again for kicking

my****back in
line, love you, and still need your

As my home group says at the end of

when anyone, anywhere, reaches out

for help,
I want the hand of AA always to be

there, for
that I am responsible.
Keep coming back, it works! (Think

that works
here too)
God bless you guys.

1000 days
I almost wrote a post earlier before

church, but
then I was still on the 999th step of

the Grand
Staircase. Mine is made up of exactly

days for 1000 steps. It is

spectacular up here. I
can see everyone who has helped me

get here,
some of you I don`t even know, but

never the
less, you are the extentions of my

Power, those who carry the message.

And I
thank you for that.
I am so broke this month! Its nuts.

I`ve been
needing to replace my glasses for two

and I needed a second hard drive for

computer, and I decided I needed them

both at
the same time. Then I decided that my

dog had
to have pet insurance. So needless

to say, this
anniversary I`m penniless! But its

been a great
day and I am so happy to have lived

it smoke
I`m like you are, tried several times

to quit,
especially during the year before I

reached this
quit. The only thing I did different

this time
was park any preconceived ideas I had

what this quit would go like at the

door, and
decided to trust God to help me. That

sound kind of silly, but its what`s

I spent a year going back and forth,

then smoking, back and forth. I had

tried to
quit before, but never that many

times in such
a short period of time. I didn`t keep

a quit
date, I stopped when I ran out of

But I picked a holiday to run out of

and had to plan that far ahead of

time. The
prequit jitters always got to me, and

I`d keep
bouncing right past, eyes shut

tightly so I
could pretend not to see. But always

it was my
decision to not quit each time. And

each day,
its my decision to not smoke. I say

by the
grace of God, you say whatever you

want to,
quitting and keeping it is up to you,

and you
can do it. Its tough, but you got

lots of help
here at this site, and lots others as

well. You
just got to look past the fear and

thoughts as you near your quit date

to realize
its possible for all of us to not

smoke just for
today. I know we can do it.
A special mention of my friend and

long term
quit bud Moonchaser. Lady you are the

best. I
couldn`t have made it this far

without you. We
still have a long ways to go, but fun

having tea
with you way up here. I love ya!
To everyone;
God bless you. Again, Thank you.

A poem for courage to change
From moron on 4/4/2006 12:14:53 AM
I can see
the morrows
I have a shot
at the things
yet to come.
There be Hills
and valleys
pleasure and pain
sunshine and
bitter cold nights
But I can see
the morrows
Iam free
from the monkeys
my eyes are clear
Sometimes the walk
is easy
full of views
Sometimes its not
and full pain
The difference now
is that I transcend
the pain
and spend time
in serenity
All this possible
the Courage to Change.

12:18 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

| Blog it | Health and wellness
45 Months - 4 Years
The poem and this little bit was for

my 45
months. And honestly if I COULD

all this I could write better, but it

is too large
for me to understand all but this

which I am smober sober and in this

happy joyous and free, if I stay in

this, present
Great day
From CouragetoChange on 4/5/2006

I finally found chocolate tea, been

looking for
it for a long time and they finally

brought it in,
what a treat! Picked up the photo cd

of the ice
carnival and the dogs and enjoyed

(Tuesday) I wasn`t expecting a poem.

said he was going to do one, I just

didn`t think
now. But it touches on some stuff

I`ve been
going through about dealing with
dissapointment, seeing the

learning that whatever I do for

anyone else
once I let it go its no longer any of

business, becoming ok with that idea,

teaching it to someone else who has

no clue
except that she hurts. And enjoying

the doing
anyway because in that process its a

experience that is being experienced

shared, which is awesome. I give

thanks to
God, (Trinity) for this quit, and to

you for
being the helpers, the eskimos who

show me
the way back to town in the blizzard.

time I get even a glimpse of a

trigger I think
about not hurting anymore in this

quit, and
remembering the many times I never

came this
far. Hang onto your quits no matter

what. The
path is lit, and each one of you is a

candle of
hope and a link in the chain that is

`We` God
bless. Thank you!
The Dawning

Peaceful thoughts tossed in turmoil.
Riches reached, riches lost.
The enriching, the deepening is the

growing to
the light.
It is the dawning
It`s human right.
The ahas move us forward.
Can set us apart.
Can bring us together.
Inner acknowledgment glows.
Don`t extinguish one`s light
Be bright-not dim.
Life is really not just a spectacle

or whim.
Cherish the gift
Do your best.
Looking back is the Dawning.
You get it now.
Keep growing your light
Heather T
Buried deep within each of us is a

spark of
a spark than can be fanned into

flames of
passion and achievement.
That spark is not outside of you it

is born deep
within you.
James A. Ray

To the luckiest of people,
a time comes when they join or launch

a cause
that forever changes their lives and

the lives of
Guy Kawasaki (Apple Computer Co-


When human beings stand by one

testify to their faith,
and witness each other`s pain,

If we are loved enough,
we are emotionally healed and

spiritually made
Marianne Williamson

Never see anything that you do
as a failure but see it as an

Then you have never failed; you have


There R other people
There R other places
There R other things
R stands for remember

If you lay down with the dogs
you will wake up with fleas

If you show me who your hanging out

I will tell you how you are living.

People that are using will
piss on your head and tell you that

it`s raining.

You don`t go into a whorehouse,
to listen to the piano player!!!!

It is out of the abundance of the

heart that the
mouth speaks.
Luke 6.45

The Law of mind, the giant within and

is always creating for us.
But what specific direction are we

giving it?
Our every thought is a direction.
Ernest Holmes

People, Places and Things
If you think you have willpower,
eat a box of Ex-Lax
and try not to go to the bathroom.

Don`t go into the Garden of Eden,
because the snake will be calling

your name

If you jump in the water,
your gonna get wet.

You don`t go into the lion`s den
with pork-chop underwear
and tell the lion to chill out.

Stay away from people places and

I am the people, that take me to

those places,
to do those things.....

Oh I really don`t know where to

begin, so
many gifts for this anny of 4 years

so I start
with Moon who has seen me through the

of this journey and go from there. To

all those
replies (that I didn`t include only

because this
is pretty long by itself lol, you`ve

made my day
rich and wonderful. I will leave this

as it is
right now. God bless.
from Moon
** Fabulous Journey For

From Moonchaser on 7/4/2006 3:27:04


Congratulations, dear Quit Bud! Feels

from this perspective, doesn`t it?

when we screamed through Hell Week?

matter what they say that wasn`t a

lot of fun.
Wasn`t much different when we got

Heck Week and even when we became
Tweeners at fifty days and had to

struggle into
our brand new panties. Who knew we`d

to model those things in front of


Finally, we found a smattering of

dignity as we
entered the Elder`s Lodge.... just a

though. You were still throwing the

tantrum and I was still dragging

depressed and lower than a snake`s

belly! It`s
a wonder we didn`t get thrown out,

but we
struggled on and just about the time

the road
began to look level... they tried to

make Ladies
of us at 500 days. Well... Hell... I

didn`t know
quitting smoking was going to include

sort of Charm School, did you? Even

so, I think
we were doing a fairly good job of it

before we knew it they said we were

Doctors! Full fledged Doctors!!! A

year without
a cigarette and now we could practice
medicine...Wow. Sadly, no one was

willing to
let us work on them, but after

thinking it over I
decided that was probably a good

Frankly, I couldnt` see how not

smoking made
us qualified to take out someone`s

tonsils and
doing a nose job could have been a

Soon we received the Golden Boot for

years of evading the wily Nicodemon,

who was
still popping up out of the weeds

from time to
time trying to tempt us. We just

yelled, `Get
thee behind us, Nick,` and at 1,000

days we
got all dressed up to ascend the

Staircase. It`s hard not to trip on

one`s train
when balancing on spike heels.

However, we
were now Ladies, equal to the

challenge and
the sound of thunderous applause was

heady stuff. Last year we received

the keys to
Quitsville, an honor to be sure. Now

we can
stay out late if we want to, since we

have our
own keys to get back in.
And now, Dear Carla, it`s your turn

to step
forward and take your place on the

Sidewalk of
Stars!!! Ta Da!! (applause, applause,

It`s a worn out phrase to be sure,

but you
really have come a long way baby!

From the
girl who couldn`t hold her temper,

become the patient person who helps

get through these hard first days and

weeks of
their quit. You`re the one who knows

the right
things to say to make them feel

better and like
they can keep on keepin` on one more

day or
at least a few hours. You`re the one

helped me when I truly felt I

couldn`t do this.
You`ve been a little bit sister, a

little bit
daughter and a whole lot of friend to

me and
I`m so proud of you!
So.... it`s time to celebrate again!

really deserving of four years

FOUR!!!! Only you will know what that

thing will be. Whatever it is, do it!
Love You Lots,
from Frank
For Carla Courage To Change
From moron on 7/4/2006 10:10:06 AM
She started as
that went
a little rough
There was Ferret
that wasn`t bad
in fact pretty good
Then came
Lucy 4 Now
and she was
something else
Just when we got
Courage To Change
I knew
them all
watched them
laugh and cry
Through it all
and in it all
is a Kind and
Loving Heart
that only wants
to see people
recover their
from the addictions
that plagued
us all.
And for that
we should
all be grateful
For Carla, Lucy, Ferret, and all.
To my dear friend Carla on her great

4 year
anny Iam very proud of you.
from Colleen
12:17 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

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4 Years

Couragetochange Makes 4 Years

From nicless on 7/4/2006 4:11:34 AM

A HUGE Congrats to you for another

good year,
You`ve managed to accomplish riding

every fear.
Achieved much more then just being
Striving nonstop to be all that you

can be!
I do sincerly have great admiration

for you,
Wasn`t easy at all, considering all

you`ve been
But you found the best way to work

challenge out,
You`ve reached out to others much

them about!
The best way of conquering anything

practicing day by day,
You`ve given back well to others with

very good things to say.
I`ve watched your progress and seen

how far
you`ve come,
I do believe dear Carla, there is no

doubt in my
mind you won!
You credit God with guiding you

through all
the rough spots,
Through him you worked your wonders

others A LOT!
This is a natural gift of yours, one

that should
give you great pride.
Now with 4 years without cigarettes,

it`s time
to enjoy the smokefree ride!
Have a Wonderful Day! You Earned it

Well! :)

from TitoTigar
CouragetoChange Gets Her Star
From Titotiger on 7/4/2006 1:27:00 AM
Way To Go – 4 Years Quit – Awesome

Job. You
Earn You `Star On The Walk-Of-Fame`

Be Sure To See My Post In Quitting

`3 New Super Stars Today`. Keep

Taking It 1
Step At A Time And Continue To Rack

Up Those
Milestones. Remember: Winning Never

Old & Life Is Too Precious To Let It

Go Up In
Smoke. Congrats Again And Enjoy Your

See You At The Top
finally from me
One Day At a Time
From CouragetoChange on 7/4/2006

I am writing in OA forum where I do

most of
my Q work, actually its a pleasure

and I know
for a fact I get more out of it then

anyone else
lol, but thats the way it works and

goodness we all have the opportunity

here to do something to help a quit

through one more day and the quitter

a little
Yesterday I was with a friend walking

our dogs
together when I saw a couple standing

by a
vehicle with an American flag on it

the day
before Independence day, SMOKING! It

the first time since I quit that I

really wanted
to go over and point out the insanity

in that
picture lol. When I quit using I was

out there
right away with pamphlets on a

missing to
change the lives of all users and

drinkers by
getting them into AA, assuming they

what I had lol. But today I know it

takes what
it takes. But what I know in my heart

is that
hitting bottom on drugs and alcohol

is very
different from hitting bottom on cigs

chewing, cuz we don`t get back up and

often its a pine box and loved ones

broken up
but gateful we aren`t suffering any

Geez! Anyway I held my peace (sp?)

and hope
they make it here one day soon.
Colleen wrote a poem for me that

surpised me
so much. And I make mistakes all the

time, and
when I was doing the cognitive

quitting thing
and trying to pass it on to others, I

said more
then once, cognitive smoking lol! I

think that
loud voice has to get a little

quieter to keep
from being blasted too hard and so

sneaks in a
few twists and turns, but I loved the

poem so
much, thank you for making this day

Titotiger, the last person I expected

a personal
post from, another wonderful surpise

and I
was just like wow! Thank you! I love

the work
you do in milestones, I remember

doing a list
for the newcomers and the commitment

takes, you are so wonderful because

you do
that daily, and because you are you.
Moonchaser is a very special lady to

me. 2
Days ahead of me and I believe that

in time helped make it possible for

us to know
exaclty where the other was at almost

times. God I was MAD when she found

me. And
I did not ask about sharing some of

her story
so the best I can say is we spoke the

language and that meant the world to

me, as
she does today. Your best quitbud can

become your best friend and I can`t
recommend any louder, find someone so

to you that when you`re shaking

shaking. Send e cards and things to

their day and try your best to keep

them quit
and you will keep you quit in the

Cindy (sallysmoker) , a true gem,

thank you for
being there when I came back (another

you have been an anchor and constant

when I needed it most, and still to

this day are.
moron, jaynurse, angelo, dancer, ken,

Cindy (sallysmoker) ...oh man not

going there,
everyone in oa forum for hanging on

and for
bits of wisdom that enrich all our

quits. My
home forum, I didn`t want to come

here for
the longest time cuz I had no

program..... and
like many who come here not wanting

to go to
AA or another 12 step program, I

didn`t either,
cuz going back would mean having to

my pride and admit I had gone out.

But the
people at Quitnet and the weakening

of my
quit and desire to keep it left me

little choice. I
was welcomed back with open arms, I

and I keep going back.
I quit on the 4th of July because I

everything was closed and it would be

to get money to get smokes even if I

felt like
walking to the liqueur store. Course

was opened except banks and stuff,

but it was
one of those times getting stupid was

a good
thing lol. Anyway so thats why....
But everyday that we don`t smoke is

the 4th of
July (Independence Day) and that is

the most
important day, the day you`re living

now. Cuz
I reach 4 years at 7 pm and if you

ask me how
I did it I can say, I quit got

spaced, got angry,
the quit got easier I got less angry

until today
there`s not much room for anger

because the
love around here kind of fills in

where that
used to be. I am quit cuz of you

guys. I just
went along for the ride.
The one thing I want to express is

the idea
that not all quits are the same. I

struggled so
long and failed every time. But this

time just
decided that maybe I didn`t know how

bad it
would be and maybe I could do it.

Kind of
surrendered to the idea of maybe. My

says I gave God a fighting chance and

the Q.
This is way too long.... There is

nothing you
can`t do if you truly want it.

Smoking is no
different too. Yeah its tough, the

changes its
just peeling the onion, ripening of

the rose, the
thorns to remind you where you come

Dive in and swim, keep the quit no

what! We all believe in you.. use

I thank the Lord for my quit and my

everyday. For 4 years, one day at a

time. And
every person in the Q, the root and
nourishment of my quit.
God bless.
with love and hugs
1q2 gave me this for my anny and if

its ok I`d
like to share it with you too.
12:15 AM | Add a comment | Permalink

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ramblin` poem
From CouragetoChange on 7/4/2006


I quit on independence day
Kind of said what the hey
But I knew I`d never see it through
But then I remembered the Q

Heard of it one night on c-span
Chalked it up to a scam
No web bug was gonna watch me quit!
And almost said to hell with it!

But that little voice so quiet spoke
Keep on smoking and you choke
Go to Quitnet and eat your pride
Just gotta take the web bugs in


And so I got an account in this place
For almost a week I was in outer

Got a Pink Floyd trip almost for free
And still quit today as I can be

Didn`t pick the 4th of July exactly
But thought everything was closed so

It would be hard to buy any fags
But the quit was far from in the bag

It is tough in the wee early days
But hang in there come what may
Now its a long story so let me close
Saying anyone with even three months


Its just a day at a time
Keep it going and make some rhymes
Don`t smoke no matter what you do
Can`t wait to see each of you here


Thank you for the grats and things
I got here riding upon your wings
A prayer in mind and in my heart
That from `this` family I`ll never


Happy Independence Day to everyone
It also falls everyday and more often

for some
Cuz claiming freedom from smoking at

Living in today leaving smoking in

your past

Congrats to you as you say congrats

to me
I am reminded though that its really

So it is all our anniversary this

And it doesn`t rhyme but a hug and to



moron I love the poem and (everyon)

love this

Thank you and God!

`Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realize we cannot eat money.`
Cree Indian Saying



Don`t try to reason with your heart
or feel with your mind
for just as the heart knows no logic,
the mind can`t lead you to your soul


We practice compassion through
acts of forgiveness, releasing


anger and hurt.
We understand forgiveness when we

that every act is either an

expression of love or

a call for love.
Mary Manin Morrissey


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